Can You Use a Torque Wrench as a Breaker Bar?

Enrique Howard
5 min readApr 21, 2024


Can you use a torque wrench as a breaker bar? This is a common question among DIY enthusiasts and mechanics alike. Both tools are essential for working on cars, but can they be used interchangeably? In this article, we’ll explore the similarities and differences between torque wrenches and breaker bars to determine if one can perform the functions of the other.

Can You Use a Torque Wrench as a Breaker Bar?

Based on their respective functions, it is not recommended to use a torque wrench as a breaker bar. While both tools may have similar appearances, they serve different purposes and using one in place of the other can lead to potential safety hazards or damages.

10 Reasons Why Can Not a Torque Wrench as a Breaker Bar?

1 . Different Designs and Functions

Torque wrenches are specifically designed to tighten bolts or nuts with a predetermined amount of torque, while breaker bars are used for loosening tight or stuck bolts without any specific torque setting. Also, the handle of a torque wrench is typically longer and thinner compared to a breaker bar, allowing for better control when applying precise torque.

2. Torque Wrenches Have Specific Limits

Torque wrenches have specific weight and torque limits that should not be exceeded, as it can cause damage to the tool or result in inaccurate readings. On the other hand, breaker bars do not have any weight or torque limits, making them suitable for heavy-duty tasks.

3. Different Mechanics

The mechanics of a torque wrench and a breaker bar are different. Torque wrenches use a click or digital mechanism to indicate when the desired torque has been reached, while breaker bars rely on brute force to loosen tight bolts. Attempting to use a torque wrench as a breaker bar can lead to incorrect readings or damage to the tool.

4. Safety Hazards

Using a torque wrench as a breaker bar can also pose safety hazards. Torque wrenches have specific handles and grips designed for applying precise torque, while breaker bars may not have the same level of grip and control, leading to potential injuries or accidents.

5. Risk of Over-tightening

Since torque wrenches have specific torque limits, using them as breaker bars can risk over-tightening bolts and causing damage to the tool or equipment. Breaker bars do not have this limit, making them a safer option for loosening tight bolts without risking potential damages.

6. Warranty Void

Using a torque wrench as a breaker bar can void its warranty. Most manufacturers do not cover damages caused by using the tool in ways other than intended, which includes using a torque wrench as a breaker bar.

7. Potential Damage to Nuts and Bolts

Torque wrenches are designed to tighten bolts with consistent and even pressure, while breaker bars use brute force to loosen tight bolts. Using a torque wrench as a breaker bar can lead to uneven pressure on the bolt, potentially damaging it or causing it to break.

8. Costly Repairs

Damages caused by using a torque wrench as a breaker bar can be costly to repair or replace. It is better to invest in both tools for their intended purposes rather than risk damaging expensive equipment.

9. Efficiency and Productivity

Using the correct tool for the job can ensure efficiency and productivity. While a torque wrench may be suitable for tightening bolts, using it as a breaker bar can slow down the process and potentially cause delays if damages occur.

10. Safety First!

Last but not least, safety should always be a top priority when working with tools. Using a torque wrench as a breaker bar can compromise the safety of the user and those around them due to potential damages or accidents. It is important to use tools for their intended purposes to ensure everyone’s well-being.


What Precautions Should I Take When Using a Torque Wrench as a Breaker Bar?

While it may be tempting to use your torque wrench as a breaker bar in certain situations, there are some precautions you should take to ensure the safety and accuracy of your tool. Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Use only when necessary: As mentioned earlier, using your torque wrench as a breaker bar should only be done in emergency situations when you don’t have access to a proper breaker bar. Avoid using it for routine tasks or non-emergency situations.
  • Use with caution: When using your torque wrench as a breaker bar, make sure to apply the force gradually and evenly. Sudden or excess force can damage the tool and compromise its accuracy.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions: Different torque wrenches may have different specifications and limitations for using them as a breaker bar. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions and follow them carefully.
  • Keep an eye on the torque setting: Remember that your torque wrench is designed for precision, so when using it as a breaker bar, keep an eye on the torque setting to ensure you’re not exceeding the recommended torque limit.
  • Inspect for damage: Before using your torque wrench as a breaker bar, inspect it for any signs of damage such as cracks, dents or wear on the mechanism. If you notice any issues, do not use it and have it repaired or replaced by a professional.

Can You Use a Torque Wrench as a Breaker Bar?

Yes, you can use a torque wrench as a breaker bar in emergency situations when you don’t have access to a proper breaker bar. However, it’s important to keep in mind the precautions listed above and only use it when necessary.

Is It Safe to Use a Torque Wrench as a Breaker Bar?

While using your torque wrench as a breaker bar may not be ideal, it can be done safely as long as you follow the precautions and use it only when necessary. However, for routine tasks or non-emergency situations, it’s always best to use a designated breaker bar to ensure safety and accuracy.

Can Using a Torque Wrench as a Breaker Bar Damage the Tool?

Yes, using your torque wrench as a breaker bar can potentially damage the tool if not done properly. Applying sudden or excess force, exceeding the recommended torque limit, or using it for routine tasks can all lead to damage and compromise the accuracy of your torque wrench.


In conclusion, it is not recommended to use a torque wrench as a breaker bar. These tools have different designs, functions, and mechanics, and using one in place of the other can lead to safety hazards or damages. It is always best to invest in both tools for their intended purposes to ensure efficiency, productivity, and most importantly, safety.

So now you know the answer of “Can you use a torque wrench as a breaker bar? “ So, it is better not use a torque wrench as breaker bar because it will result in potential accidents that could harm you or the equipment. Always use the right tool for the job at hand to ensure safety and avoid costly damages. So, if you want to have a successful project always choose the right tools for each task! Happy wrenching!



Enrique Howard

I started my professional life as a handyman. Let me help you on your journey towards becoming an enlightened DIYer with amazing tools project.